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Thursday, February 6, 2014

Rockford area reacts to possible smoking ban, limiting lighting up in cars

A proposed Illinois law smokes out people who might be putting kids at risk. If approved, legislation limits when you can light up on the road. We ask residents all over Rockford for their take on the possible ban.
The proposal would make it against the law to smoke if kids are in a car. It's not the first time the Illinois General Assembly's considered this restriction.
"My grandpa used to smoke in the car when I was young and I hated the smell, I would cover my nose." -says Rachel Berg, who supports the possible law.
That's not her only reasoning. Berg is also a mom.
"I have a two year-old and my husband smokes, but he's not allowed to smoke in the car with my daughter. I put my foot down on that."Parliament Silver Blue
Last year, legislation passed encouraging adults with kids in their cars to keep cigarettes in the pack. Supporters say this also keeps a child from second-hand smoke exposure in an enclosed space with low ventilation. But, this proposed law drives the health issue even further. If passed, it'll be illegal to smoke in a vehicle if a minor is there with you.
"The kids don't ask for the second-hand smoke they can't voice their own opinions, especially if they're really, really young." -Berg adds.
Everyone we asked supports this law and most of them are smokers, like Joshua Burmeister. He and many others thought the act already was illegal.
"Most parents in their right mind, I mean smoking in a car with your kids? Come on." -Burmeister says.
If this passes, drivers face a $100 fine for lighting up with children present. Illinois tried to pass a similar ban in 2007, but it failed in the House.

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