Tobacco Industry- Cigarette Smoking News

Great tobacco events happen every day. Pay attention to everything that is new regarding smoking cigarettes, this way you have the power to take the right decisions. Interesting news tobacco markets.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Dependency’s level of nicotine tolerance

Our dependency’s level of nicotine tolerance (the amount of nicotine required daily in order to overcome acetylcholine receptor up-regulation and desensitization), combined with nicotine’s half-life to compel each of us to decide when during each day we would engage in replenishment in order to avoid experiencing early withdrawal anxieties. Possibly unaware we were doing so, we each established daily replenishment patterns that taught and conditioned our subconscious when to expect more nicotine. It was watching and remembering as use cues arriving via sight, smell, sound, taste, touch and emotions were quickly followed by arrival of new nicotine.

Meta-Analysis of Smoking Ban and Heart Attack Studies

In the largest meta-analysis to date of studies examining the effect of smoking bans on heart attack admissions, a paper published this week in the journal Circulation concludes that smoking bans lead to an immediate 15% decline in heart attack admissions or deaths. I noted that the authors excluded from the analysis a study which found no effect of smoking bans on heart disease deaths in six states. After further examination of the reasons provided by the authors for the exclusion of that study, I have concluded that there was no valid reason for the study's exclusion and it appears to be motivated by a desire to exclude the negative findings than by a valid scientific justification.

Despite Best Efforts of Anti-Smoking Groups, Electronic Cigarettes are Here to Stay

The Food and Drug Administration along with at least seven national anti-smoking groups made a valiant effort to remove electronic cigarettes from the market. In 2009, the FDA exerted what it purported was its jurisdiction over electronic cigarettes under the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and effectively banned these products. At the same time, seven national anti-smoking groups promoted the removal of electronic cigarettes from the market.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Competitive Environment Heats Up Tobacco

Almost 70% of the respondents to Wells Fargo Securities LLC quarterly survey of tobacco retailer and wholesaler contacts representing more than 30,000 U.S. convenience stores said that the competitive environment was more competitive during third-quarter 2012 versus second-quarter 2012. It attributed this to higher gasoline prices, channel shift to the drug and dollar stores, manufacturer pricing programs and new-product introductions, said Bonnie Herzog, New York City-based managing director of beverage, tobacco and consumer research for Wells Fargo.

Local Governments Continue to Seek Restrictions on Tobacco Products

For the first nine months of this year, NATO has monitored and responded to almost 50 proposed local tobacco ordinances across the country. These ordinances propose various restrictions which may include a requirement that cigars be sold in packages of four or more, retailers be prohibited from redeeming tobacco product coupons, the number of retailers selling tobacco in a given city or county be limited, pharmacies and drug stores be prohibited from selling tobacco products, the taxes on cigarettes and other tobacco products be increased, and the advertisement of tobacco products be banned or significantly curtailed. Several examples of local tobacco restrictions and taxation include the following: The Dublin, Calif., City Council will meet on November 6 to consider two versions of a tobacco ordinance that would: (1) prohibit tobacco retailers from being located within either 500 or 1,000 feet of a school, playground, youth center, park, library, or city owned and operated recreational facility (with current retail stores grandfathered); (2) require tobacco-only stores to be located at least 1,000 feet from another tobacco-only store; (3) increase tobacco retailer license fees to $315 per store; (4) adopt new penalty provisions calling for tobacco license revocation for a first violation of the ordinance or fines starting at $1,000 for an ordinance violation; and (5) mandate minimum cigar package sizes.
Marlboro Red cigarette, Marlboro Gold cigarette best types in demand by most of the smokers worldwide.

Monday, November 19, 2012

What's in a processed cigarette?

A typical cigarette contains a nasty cocktail of synthetic chemicals that don't exist in a tobacco leaf. A total of 599 chemical additives have been approved for use in cigarettes , and when those chemicals are lit up and smoked, they can produce up to 4,000 chemicals that the user inhales.

Why tobacco (the plant) deserves an honest assessment rather than radical condemnation

I'm not a proponent of smoking anything, and I don't smoke any plant or product whatsoever. Even smoking natural tobacco leaves is not good for your lungs, but smoking processed cigarettes is far, far worse. I'm publishing this article because I can't stand by and watch the FDA shamefully condemn an entire plant (tobacco) when the real culprit of all this health damage is not the plant itself but the toxic chemicals added to the plant in the manufacture of a cigarette.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Big pharma cos behind campaign against tobacco: ITGA

International Tobacco Growers Association (ITGA), which opposes some of the articles of World Health Organisation’s (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), on Tuesday alleged big pharmaceutical companies are behind the campaign.
It said this was to reduce cigarette production and thereby increase nicotine patch sales which is used to help people quit smoking.

Now, cellphones can help you quit smoking

Support for quitting smoking via text and video messages can offer a low cost solution to kick the butt, according to a new study.
A Cochrane systematic review found that people are more likely to stay away from cigarettes over a period of six months if they receive motivational messages and advice through their mobile phones.
Text messages are already used by health services to send appointment reminders and to encourage people to stick to treatment programmes.
Marlboro Red cigarette, Marlboro Gold cigarette best types in demand by most of the smokers worldwide.

And mobile phones may offer a low cost solution for delivering smoking cessation services.