Tobacco Industry- Cigarette Smoking News

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Tuesday, November 30, 2010

FDA Could Ban Menthol Cigarettes

The US Food and Drug Administration is currently considering placing a ban on the use of menthol in cigarettes and tobacco products.
The FDA has joined forces with several other groups, claiming that the minty flavor entices children and young people to start smoking.
Last year, the FDA placed a ban on the sale and production of fruit flavored tobacco and related products, such as cigar wraps, using similar claims.
The National Cancer Institute recently released a study that shows that youths as well as African-Americans have more difficulty when trying to quit smoking if they are smokers of methol flavored products.
Other market analysis have shown that when tobacco prices increased, non-methol smokers cut back and began spending less on cigarettes, menthol users were undaunted by the “forced quit smoking” tactics of the government.

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