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Friday, April 18, 2014

Favorite actors smoked on screen

Hollywood actors have a very big influence on young people and children. They all want to become like them. That is why many times teenagers act like them and follow their behavior from TV. In many movies the actors are smoking, and those that are watching them and take example.

The best Hollywood actors John Travolta, Leonardo DiCaprio, Sharon Stone and Julia Roberts have been accused of encouraging young people to start smoking by lighting up on screen.
In United States was conducted a research and was published in the British Tobacco Control journal. The research sustains that students that have age from 10 to 19 are more likely to start smoking, because their favorite actors smoked on screen. This is in comparison with those teenagers that have like idols movie stars who don’t smoke.

In New England was made a survey where have participated over 630 students from rural schools, they were asked about their smoking habits and what they thought about smoking. In the end they were asked to tell the name of their favorite actor movie.

The researchers then assessed on-screen smoking by 43 movie stars in films made between 1994 and 1996. They found teens whose favorite stars smoked on screen were far likelier to smoke than their classmates, whose favorite actors never smoked, and the more the actor smoked, the more positively the teen thought about smoking.

DiCaprio, Stone and Travolta, had more than three movies were they have showed that they smoke. So the fans of these actors are 16 times likelier to express a positive opinion about smoking than those who chose "non-smoking" stars.

Mass media portrayals of smoking among favored movie stars contribute to adolescent smoking which is a causal link in what remain the leading cause of premature death and the number one preventable public health problem in the developed world.

We just have to be careful not to be influenced about our stars movies, because they are really different in the real life.